Monday, May 24, 2010

Starting a research diary

The motivation to start this blog came from Andrew McAfee's excellent book Enterprise 2.0. Just this morning I read that blogs are well suited for converting what are merely potential ties into actual working ties (p. 111). So it occurred to me that writing a public research diary was a good way to put my thoughts into writing (and thus stop thinking about them after work), and might lead me to people thinking along the same lines. Another reason is that I needed more space to share news and ideas about my research, than what is provided in the status update at So I will put a link from my profile at to this blog.

I work at ITAM Business School in Mexico City. My research is on Virtual Communities of Practice (VCoPs). This is a topic of great interest to people who don't have a local peer group that shares their very particular professional interest. This happens to be my case; seeking VCoPs has been a personal quest since I started my PhD in 2000, and continues to this day.

Currently I have three papers on the works, but I'll talk about those in forthcoming posts.

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